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2024 Nevada Oversize Permits and Regulations

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oversize loadContact (877) 792-5056 for Oversize Permits in Nevada.

Transportation of oversize and overweight loads in Nevada must be accompanied by the right shipping permits to avoid fines. Wide Load Shipping has a team of experienced experts to help you get the relevant permits for stress-free transportation o your oversize or overweight load. Below we have more information about the pilot cars, superloads, and more.

John Deere 750K Crawler Tractor nevada

Oversize Load Limits in Nevada

Nevada maximum load limits until  trucking permits are required:

  • Length: 75 feet.
  • Width: 8 feet 6 inches.
  • Height: 14 feet.
  • Weight: 80,000 pounds GVW.
  • Overhang: 75 feet maximum.

When Pilot Cars or Escort Vehicles Are Required in Nevada

Heavy-haul or oversize loads may be required to be accompanied by an escort vehicle or pilot car if:


  • over 105 feet in length requires an escort. This applies to both 2-lane and 4 lanes roads.


2-lane roads:

  • 12 feet requires 1 pilot car or escort.
  • 14 feet requires 1 pilot car and 1 escort.
  • 16 feet requires 3 total pilot cars and escort vehicles.
  • 17 feet will require a review which will probably require 1 pilot car and 1 escort and 1 police escort.

4-lane roads:

  • 14 feet requires 1 pilot car or escort.
  • 16 feet requires 1 pilot car and 1 escort.
  • 17 feet requires 1 pilot car and 1 escort and 1 police escort.


  • if over 16 feet and 6 inches in height, you will be required to have 1 pilot car equipped with a height pole.


  • Length: If the shipment is over 110 feet in length you are required to have 1 pilot car behind the shipment.
  • Width: If your shipment is over 12′ wide on up to a 3-lane road you are required to have 1 escort vehicle in the front of your shipment. If over 14′ wide on up to a 3 lane road you are required to have 1 escort in the front and 1 pilot car in the rear of the load.  If over 14′ wide on a 4-lane road you are required to have 1 rear escort. If over 16′, you are required to have 1 front pilot car and 1 rear escort on 4 lanes and all other roads.
  • Height: Loads that are in excess of 15′ 6″ are required to have a front high pole pilot car at all times.
  • Weight: Pilot cars and escorts are usually not required on shipments overweight that are able to maintain the minimum posted speed requirements. If you are not able to maintain minimum speeds, you will be required to have a minimum of a rear escort vehicle if traveling in urban and some rural areas.
  • Overhang: If in excess of 25 feet, you will be required to have a minimum of 1 pilot car.

NOTE: Some routes are completely restricted. In the Hoover dam, vicinity shipments are not permitted for anything over 10 feet in width, but if 10 feet will require 1 pilot car and 1 escort.

What’s the Cost of Trucking Permits In Nevada?

Below we have the costs of oversize and overweight permits in Nevada. We help clients acquire the right permits for their shipment on time. Call us now at (877) 792-5056.

  • Oversize vehicle 5-day permit: $25
  • Oversize vehicle annual permit: $60
  • Shorter overweight vehicle 5-day annual permit: $60
  • Superload or special purpose permit: $25 plus extraordinary expenses

We Offer Trucking Permits in the Following Cities in Nevada;

Las Vegas, NV; Henderson, NV; Reno, NV; North Las Vegas, NV; Sparks, NV; Carson City, NV; Fernley, NV; Elko, NV; Mesquite, NV; Whitney, NV; Pahrump, NV; Winchester, NV; Summerlin South, NV; Sun Valley, NV; Fernley, NV; Elko, NV; Mesquite, NV; Spanish Springs, NV; Boulder City, NV; Spring Creek, NV; Gardnerville Ranchos, NV; Dayton, NV; Cold Springs, NV; Incline Village, NV;

We Offer Trucking Permits in the Following Counties in Nevada;

Clark County; Washoe County; Lyon County ; Carson City/county; Elko County; Nye County; Douglas County; Churchill County; Humboldt County; White Pine County; Pershing County; Lander County; Lincoln County; Mineral County; Storey County; Eureka County; Esmeralda County;

Oversize and Overweight Permit Limits in Nevada

Here’s the maximum weight your load can be, even with a permit in Nevada:

  • Single Axle Weight Permits: 22,000 pounds
  • Tandem axles Weight Permits: 46,725 pounds
  • Tridem axles Weight Permits: 58,000 pounds
  • Five axle Weight Permits: 92,000 pounds
  • Six axle Weight Permits: 96,000 pounds
  • Seven axle Weight Permits: 101,000 pounds
  • Eight axle Weight Permits: 106,000 pounds

Below are the maximum dimensions a load can be even with a permit in the state of Nevada:

  • Max Length With Permit: 105 feet
  • Max Overhang With Permit: 15 feet
  • Maximum Width With Permit: 17 feet
  • Maximum Height With Permit: 16 feet

NOTE: To get the extra 1,000 pounds as noted above (59,000 pounds on tridem configurations), you are allowed to use up to 2 tridem configurations only. Any additional tridem axle configurations will max out at 51,000 pounds. If you have tridem configurations on your tractor, that will be counted as 1 of the 2. However, the distance between the steer axle and the center tridem axle must be a minimum of 18 feet. It is possible to exceed this within reason but is reviewed case by the NVDOT permitting office.

Nevada Superloads Information

Requirements for extra-heavy or over-dimensional (superloads) in Nevada:

Nevada is picky about weights and heights. Rather than attempting to illustrate a list of items that may not apply, we suggest if your shipment does not fall within the set maximums listed above, it’s more than likely going to be considered a superload by NVDOT. The permitting process for superloads is different than the normal oversize or over-weight trucking permits in Nevada. It must be fully drafted by the company or person requesting the permit. For instructions for the format, your super-load application must be in see: Nevada-superloads.

NOTE: any special purpose or special needs loads that are outside of the normal permitting parameters will classify as a superload.

Legal Travel Times for Oversize and Heavy-haul Loads in Nevada

Travel times and restrictions in Nevada:

Remember to refer to your actual permit for travel times and restrictions. For Nevada, daylight travel hours are defined as a half hour before sunrise to a half-hour after sunset with some restrictions;  under 12 feet wide, 110 feet long, or 15 feet tall may also travel during night hours and on weekends as long as you are not on I-80 between Sparks, NV, and the CA state border or I-15 between Las Vegas and the CA state border. There are no weekday curfews for any cities, and if your load is under 12 feet wide, 100 feet long, or 15 feet tall, you may travel on holiday. However, if your load is over these dimensions, holiday travel restrictions are on the following days: 

  • New Years Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas day. 

If a large event is predicted to create dense traffic, they may restrict that date as well, i.e., state fairs, etc.

Pilot Car and Escort Vehicle Requirements and Certifications in Nevada

In order to operate a pilot car or escort vehicle in the state of Nevada you are required to have a minimum of the following:

First of all, the state of Nevada requires that all pilot and escort vehicles be certified. If you’re officially certified by another state, that’s recognized by the state of Nevada as valid certification, and you may operate within the state; however, to have an amber light mounted to ANY vehicle, you must first obtain a permit from the state, which costs $2.00 per vehicle, per year. You can do that online by clicking here.

A pilot car or an escort vehicle is required to be equipped with strobing or flashing amber light visible from a distance of no less than 500′ in daylight and all 360-degree angles, mounted to the roof and above signs. The light must be a minimum of 50 candle power, and if it’s a rotating light must have a lens of no less than 5″ in diameter with a flash count of not less than 50 per minute. Any vehicle used for this purpose must be no less than 60″ in width, with a wheelbase of a minimum of 95″ with no more than 2 axles and a manufacturer’s gross weight of no more than 16,000 pounds.

Each vehicle must be equipped with a two-way radio that is in constant contact with/to all parties involved in the shipment, 5 pounds (minimum) fire extinguisher, 3 bi-directional 18″ road triangles, 1 stop/slow sign with a 5′ pole handle, 1 hard hat, 1 reflective safety vest, a copy of the ANSI/ISEA manual which is $30. Drivers must be a minimum of 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license, and must be flagger/flagman “capable of carrying out flagging responsibilities” (we strongly suggest a flagger safety class) of controlling traffic, wearing an approved safety yellow-green safety jacket or vest and equipped with a red flag and a stop/slow paddle of no less than 18″. Each vehicle should be equipped with proper signs that specify “oversize”,  “oversize load” or “wide load” as well as “long load” with black letters a minimum of 10″ in height with a letter thickness of no less than 1 5/8″ on a yellow background which are removed or covered while not in work transit mode. Pilot cars and escort vehicles must have a placard on each side of the vehicle with the company’s name and phone number clearly visible from a distance of no less than 50′.

Operators of pilot cars and escort vehicles will maintain a reasonable distance from the shipment which all depends on the weather, traffic, road conditions, and the speed you are traveling with a reasonable distance defined by how much time it takes for the shipment driver to recognize your indications to stop, slow or pass as necessary.

Shipment, Truck, and Trailer Markings in Nevada

Truck, trailer, and shipment required signs, banners, and flags in Nevada:

All trucking companies that are hauling oversize and overweight shipments must have an amber-colored strobing or flashing light affixed to the top of the tractor-trailer cab that is visible 360 degrees from a minimum distance of 500′. Signs that state the nature of the shipment; “oversize load” or “wide load” signs in the overall front and rear of the shipment. Signs will be no less than 7′ in width and 18″ in height with black lettering no less than 10″ in height with a lettering thickness of no less than 1 5/8″ thick on a yellow background. Signs must be mounted securely and free of any dirt or debris. Warning flags are to be used only in daylight hours and must be florescent orange in color with a minimum size distance of 18″ from one corner to the next corner and be placed at the outermost corners of the shipment as well as on any protrusions. IF the shipment is permitted to travel during night hours must have 2 constant display amber lights placed at the very most front extreme of the shipment,  two amber steady burning lights on the outer (side) center of the shipment, and two red steady lit lights on the outermost rear of the shipment. THIS INCLUDES OVERWEIGHT LOADS MOVING AT NIGHT.

Frost Laws and Restrictions for Nevada 

Frost and thaw laws in Nevada:

Nevada is fairly elusive on frost and thaw law travel restrictions. They do provide a map, but there is not much detail on it about the same roads that must be traveled. You can view the f view this thaw law by the state DOT, which also references it. Then they also have some basic shipment route information that references it as well for the state of Nevada.

Recent Load Hauled in Nevada

  • Freight: 2014 INTERNATIONAL 6 by 6 BUCKET TRUCK
  • Origin: Castaic, CA, 91384
  • Destination: Henderson, NV, 89002
  • Specs: 30L x 8.60W x 12.30H
  • Weight: 40,000lbs

Call Us For a Free Shipping Estimate

(877) 792-5056


Nevada Road Closures