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Pilot Car and Route Surveying Services in Connecticut

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Connecticut Pilot Car Company | Oversized Load Escort Services

When transporting oversized loads in Connecticut, Wide Load Shipping is your go-to provider of pilot car services. We boast an immaculate safety record over 15 years of operating in the state. We serve every part of Connecticut and the surrounding states. We also handle the acquisition of permits and insurance for your load. Pilot cars accompany oversized loads on public roads to warn motorists and ensure the safety of your load. In cases where police escorts are necessary, we contact the state police department to make arrangements. Over the years, we have escorted all manner of over-dimensional loads, among them bridge spans, excavators, shovels, and manufactured homes, to name a few. Let us lead the way to the destination of your oversize load. 

icon of truck that hauls oversize equipment
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When Do You Need Pilot Cars in Connecticut?

  • Length: Over 80’ 1 pilot car in the rear on an undivided highway.  If over 100’, one escort vehicle is required in the front and rear of the trailer on undivided highways. On divided, only one rear is required. If over 119′ one in front and one in the rear on undivided highways. Sectional or modular homes 16′ wide maximum. No pilot cars are required until ten feet wide; if 10′ wide, then one rear escort is required in undivided highways if the load is wider than the lane. From 10′ wide to 13′ 6″ one rear on divided highways and one rear on undivided highways. Over 13′ 6″ in width requires one front and one rear on all roads. If over 80′ in length, one rear escort is required on undivided highways. If over 85′ in length, one front and one rear are required on all routes.
  • Width: Over 12’ wide one rear (or front and rear if undivided highway). Over 13’ 6” 1 front and one rear escort. Over 15’ 1 front and two rear.
  • Height: Over 14’ 1 pilot car in front.

Escort Car Requirements in Connecticut

  • Your signs must be worded precisely: “OVERSIZE LOAD AHEAD” or “OVERSIZE LOAD FOLLOWING,” depending on if you are leading or chasing. This sign must be a minimum of 48″ above the ground. Additionally, the sign can read: “WIDE  LOAD AHEAD” or “WIDE  LOAD FOLLOWING,” “LONG  LOAD AHEAD,” or “LONG LOAD FOLLOWING,” depending on if the pilot car is leading or chasing. All signs mentioned here must have a minimum of 8″ black letters and be on a yellow background. 
  • Amber lights must be attached to the top of the pilot or escort vehicle and visible for no less than 1,000 feet. Your light must either flash or rotate. 
  • You must be able to maintain communication with the driver of the load via 2-way radio at all times.
  • You must have a red vest or jacket and a red hand flag no less than 18″ square. 18″ square flags are to be mounted on both the front and rear corners of the vehicle. 
  • All escort vehicles must have a width of at least 60″ and 1- and 1/2-ton capacity for cargo.

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Haul your heavy load with the best transporters in the industry!

Transport Your Load On The Right Trailer With Us

Double Drop Deck Trailer

Max Dimensions: 29FT Length, 8.5FT Width, and 11.5FT Height

Max Weight: 45,000LBS

icon of extended double drop trailer

Step Deck Trailer

Max Dimensions: 53FT Length, 8.5FT Width, and 11.5FT Height

Max Weight: 48,000LBS

icon of step deck trailer

Removable Gooseneck Trailer (RGN)

Max Dimensions: 53FT Length, 8.5FT Width, and 11.6FT Height

Max Weight: 150,000LBS

RGN trailer Illustration

Flatbed Trailer

Max Dimensions: 53FT Length, 8.5FT Width, and 8.5FT Height

Max Weight: 48,000LBS

icon of flat bat trailer

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Route Surveying in Connecticut

The Connecticut Department of Transportation requires that for loads with heights 14 feet 1 inch or more, a route survey must be conducted, and the results must be attached to all permit applications. It is to prove to the authorities that a load can navigate a roadway without compromising the integrity of road infrastructure and public utilities. Our logistics experts at Wide Load Shipping also use these results to plan for the swiftest route and determine the regulations your load will have to meet. To minimize time spent on the road, we study traffic patterns to avoid heavy rush hour traffic. Many of the highways in Connecticut are ideal for moving oversized loads.  Some examples include

  1. Interstate 95 (I-95): runs along the southern coast of Connecticut, linking New York to Rhode Island.
  2. Interstate 84 (I-84) runs east-west through the northern part of the state, connecting various towns, and is a viable option for oversized vehicles.
  3. Interstate 91 (I-91): This north-south route runs through central Connecticut.
  4. U.S. Route 5: This highway parallels I-91 and can be suitable for transporting oversized loads.
  5. U.S. Route 8: joining the western and central parts of the state, often used for larger vehicles.

To have your oversized load escorted and delivered on time and intact, contact Wide Load Shipping today.