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Need oversize boat shipping permits?

All year round we get requests from boat owners that need oversize boat shipping permits. It’s not an easy task by any means what-so-ever. If you’re an individual you’re honestly way better off having someone file for them. We provide this service under some circumstances (dimensions primarily ) but prefer to work with individuals that are not in a rush.  Why you may ask? It’s a very hard process. One that doesn’t make us much money. If you’ve already transported in the states you plan on traveling in you know. However, it is a lot easier for us to process them for you. However, no matter what your situation is we are also here to assist you in getting it done the proper way the first time around so you’re not paying twice (provided once again you are not in a rush). So if you’re looking to save money by pulling your boat behind your pickup truck yourself you’re in the right place. Keep reading…

Boat shipping permits.
Boat shipping permits for private parties are not as straightforward as we’d prefer them to be. You can try the nightmare yourself or simply pay someone else. Either way, it’s not free so be prepared to “B-O-A-T” if you need them.

Want to avoid a huge paperwork headache? Get boat shipping permits quickly.

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Different states have different rules for shipping boats. Basically, anything that is over 102″ or 8′ 6″ wide and/or over 13′ 6″ in height is required to obtain a permit in ANY state/province in order to be legally transported no matter how short or long of a distance you are traveling if it is on a public road it must be permitted. For those feeling “lucky” there are a few things you may want to consider:

  • DOT enforcement vehicles are rarely (if at all) marked as such. They look like any other vehicle with the exception of antennas and hidden blue lights.
  • The basic default penalty for getting caught is a 365-day bar from filing for permits, huge ($5,000.00 huge), forfeiture of vehicle and trailer, and even jail time. This is probably not a wise option.
  • We’ve been online for 18 years and in this industry for over 35. You’re in a friendly and place.

If you have your own road or the road traveled is a private road only then you’re are “lucky”. You can do anything you want. But if you’re like the rest of us, your in for some work if you need oversize boat shipping permits. Hopefully, you won’t have to “break out another thousand”, but you will be on your way to spending another. So let’s get started.

Things you will need to have handy:

  • 1.) You will need to know the manufacturer’s rating and the weight your vehicle (year, make, model) is registered for as well as the amount you’re trailer is registered to haul. You will need these numbers apart and combined.
  • 2.) If your manufacturer’s weight of your truck (we assume) is over 10,000 pounds then you will be required to obtain a DOT number from the USDOT website. IMPORTANT: you are NOT applying as a “commercial carrier” so click “no” when asked if you wish to file yourself. If not our fee is usually $25.
  • 3.) If when loaded your weight is in excess of 26,000 pounds total then you will more than likely be required to purchase a single trip permit as well as a fuel permit (IFTA) depending on the states you intend on traveling in. Each state charges a different amount for these permits so it is VERY important for you to have a basic route for your trip planned in detail (IFTA permits cost around $55 and trip permits to average around $65 however some states have “combined” deals). You will want to consider your height and width as well as when choosing your route to travel. See the information below on each state or click here for a complete state to state or province breakdown or limitations.
  • 4.) Insurance. In some states, your basic vehicle insurance is enough while other states require you to have additional insurance on file with them. Many states want your insurance certificate to specify them as additionally insured which your insurance company will usually do for a couple of dollars (if not free) however you will probably want us to file it for you for $25 which is very modest considering it’s a daunting task that also will need to be verified and in their filing system so it’s almost like filing twice. Of course, they like after 15 years online so we’ll save you a half days worth of work if not more.  If the state or province you plan to travel through does require additional insurance then far out, you got extra bucks! If you wish for the process to go smooth it’s time to seriously gather all of your paperwork and line up all of your ducks. If you don’t it’s going to cost you more and please feel free to search Dr. Google as this service is far from our bread and butter, sorry. We’re in a small industry and are aware our rates are half of most. We’re truly driven by motivation and inspiration. Serious.

Here are some of the states that will require additional work on your part when applying for an oversize permit to be able to move your boat:

  • Alabama: You will need to have an insurance certificate issued by your insurance company listing the Alabama Highway Department as a certificate holder before they will even look at you. You will be required to have a minimum limit of $300,000 for yearly permits and $750/$500/$10,000 if you’re required to have a DOT number. If it is your first time you will be required to fill out an Alabama New Hauler application (see “new customer links 3/4 down the page) before applying for an oversize boat hauling permit. Once you have this in place you will be able to file your application. Starting from scratch will take less than 5 hours usually as long as they aren’t busy on that day.
  • Arkansas: You will be required to have a minimum of $750,000/$500,000/$15,000 whether you are required to have a DOT number or not. You must have a copy of your insurance certificate at the time of ordering your boat shipping permit for your boat. The process takes about 3 to 5 hours.
  • Delaware: Minimum insurance requirement of $100,000/$300,000/50,000 and if you are required to have a DOT number the amount is $750,000/$500,000/$10,000 and it must be on file before filing. The process usually takes about 2 to 4 hours to get the boat transport permit in hand.
  • Georgia: In this state, you are required to have public liability insurance to ship your boat if it needs an oversize load permit. Minimums are $300,000/$100,000/$50,000 with public liability the 300. You must have the Georgia DOT listed as “additionally insured” on your certificate by your insurance company. You will also be required to sign a waiver releasing the state from any liability and certifying that you will be 100% responsible for any damages you may do. If you are required by law to have a DOT number then the amounts are $750,000/$500,000/$10,000. Getting the trucking permit issued only takes up to about 3 hours.
  • Indiana: You are required in Indiana to have minimum amounts of $25,000/$50,000/$10,000 in order to be issued a boat shipping permit and if you are required by law to have a DOT number then it’s $750,000/$500,000/$10,000 on file with them. It will take the state up to 3 days to get all of your insurance information on file and if you have not done this in Indiana state before with this exact vehicle and trailer combination you will be required to be assigned a special account number before continuing. There is no way to expedite this process but it has been known to happen within 29 hours but do not count on it. You have to have all of this in place before you can even apply for an oversize trucking boat permit.
  • Louisiana: In order to obtain a boat shipping permit to haul your boat in the good old state of Louisiana you will be required to have a bond on file in the amount of $100,000 for a single trip. If you are looking for a yearly trucking permit you will be required to have a $250,000 bond on file. No matter if you are required to have a DOT number or not you will still have to have a minimum of $750,000/$500,000/$10,000 insurance on file. It only takes a few hours to get all of this done and then you can file for your oversize trucking permit for your boat.
  • Mississippi: You must have the good ol’ state of Mississippi listed on your insurance certificate as a certificate holder first in order to get a boat shipping permit. You must have a bond on file in the amount of $25,000 in case you cause any damages to the roads or highway while towing your boat. You must have a minimum amount of $750,000/$500,000/$10,000 in insurance (DOT number or not) and it will take about 1 to 2 days to get this all on file before you can apply for your permit. In most cases, you can file for your oversize trucking permit for your boat on the following morning. It is possible that you could try on the same afternoon but don’t hold your breath.
  • Missouri: The show me state undoubtedly. You have to have your insurance on file with the state of Missouri with them listed as the certificate holder and it has to be for no less than $750,000 in order to obtain a boat shipping permit. It will take the state DOT permit office about 3 hours to get it filed and longer if they are busy before you can file for an oversize trucking permit for your boat.
  • Montana: You must have a minimum of $1,000,000 combined insurance (ie: property, liability, body, etc.) in order to file for a boat shipping permit in Montana state. Filing time is usually within a few hours as long as they aren’t too busy and can all be done at the same time so your oversize trucking permit for your boat will be ready to go pretty quick for this state.
  • New Mexico: You are required to have $100,000/$500,000/$100,000 (body/per person/per incident) and a minimum of $25,000 property coverage all per incident in order to file for a boat shipping permit for your boat in New Mexico state which is filed for at the same time you file your insurance. If you are mandated by law to have a USDOT number you are required to have a minimum of $750,000/$500,000/$10,000 in insurance and the actual insurance company you use must be incorporated in the state of New Mexico in order to qualify. Processing time is usually pretty quick at about 3 hours as long as they aren’t too busy on that day.
  • New York: First off remember there are two things going on here; New York and New York City. We suggest you have a professional company file your boat shipping permits for you in any state. WE STRONGLY STRESS THIS TO YOU IN TRAVELING IN OR THRU NY! We only charge a $25 filing fee and it’s totally worth it – it should really be more like two hundred. You are required to have a minimum of $750,000/$500,000/$10,000 no matter what your status is US DOT number or not. You will have to have a bond on file for $10,000 to $250,000 depending on your dimensions, the higher amount being over 16′ wide or tall. You have to sign a liability statement agreeing to be liable for any damages that you may inflict. You want to make sure you have all of the above steps taken care of and on file before filing your application for an oversize trucking permit to haul your boat. We strongly suggest you use a professional trucking permit service which should only charge you around $25 in addition to the actual permit cost the first time, it’s totally worth it once you’re in the system you can easily file your application(s) yourself as long as your insurance certificate is still valid.
  • North Dakota: If you are mandated to have a US DOT number you will be required by the state of North Dakota to have a minimum of $750,000/$500,000/$10,000 in order to obtain a boat shipping permit in order to transport your boat. For smaller trucks (see above #2) you have to show proof on insurance at the time of filing for no less than $300,000 covering liability and property damages. Turn around time is expected at about 4 hours but you want to get your permit application filed before noon for best results.
  • Ohio: “Aye, oh where to go Ohio”! NOT for boat owners in a hurry… If you are mandated to have a US DOT number as described above in section #2  in order to obtain boat shipping permits you are required to have a minimum of $750,000/$500,000/$10,000. For smaller outfits, you will be required to have no less than a combined $500,000 for bodily injury and property damages with the property side being no less than $200,000. You must have your insurance company file an OS-32 per ORC 4513.34, DOT-1858 which will take a minimum of 1 day if you are Irish and all others at least 2 days. Once this is all filled and in place, you can then think about filing for your oversize trucking permit to haul your boat which takes 3 to 6 hours depending on daily permit volumes. If you are in a hurry forget it, go around the state.
  • Oregon: Go Beavers! Go Ducks! You will be required to have a minimum of $750,000/$500,000/$10,000 in insurance in order to obtain boat shipping permits. If you are required by law to have a US DOT number (see section #2 above) you will need to be issued a PUC (Public Utilities Commission) number which covers fuel and road taxes. Depending on your truck and trailer size you may be able to get by on your standard insurance policy and may not be required to have a bond on file but it is all done on a case by case basis; what year is your equipment, registered in what state, how much oversize is it, etc. This usually takes about 4 to 6 hours to take care of by a professional permit agent. We charge a $25 filing fee and it’s worth it for sure.
  • Pennsylvania: You will be required to have your insurance company get the state of Pennsylvania listed as additionally insured on your certificate in order to obtain boat shipping permits. You have to have a combined amount of $1,000,000 for your single limits. Getting all of this set up will take up to 3 days and has to be done before you file for your oversize trucking permit for your boat which usually only takes about 3 hours to do. If you have a professional permit agent get you set up with the state it is possible you may be able to shorten the 3 day time length and probable that all of it was done correctly. We only charge a $25 file processing fee for PA and it’s totally worth it!
  • Rhode Island: WARNING RHODE ISLAND HAS LOW BRIDGES!!! While the legal height is 13′ 6″ this state has bridges lower than 10′ in numerous locations. BEWARE!!! BE AWARE!!! “Break out another thousand” could be the least of your worries in this state. Choose your routing carefully or better yet rely on a professional and NEVER, EVER deviate from your route plan by even a half of a block. If you are required to have a USDOT number before being issued boat shipping permits (see section #2 above) then your insurance minimums are $750,000/$500,000/$10,000 and you will need to have the state of Rhode Island listed as a certificate holder by your insurance company.  You may be required to have a surety bond if all you have is liability insurance. If your routing based on your height is within 6″ of a structure you will be required to deposit a certified check for an amount usually over $20,000 in the RI state DOT’s account. Processing times can take up to and in some cases over 3 days. Once this is done and accepted you can apply for your oversize trucking permit to haul your boat. The piddly processing fee of $25 that a trucking permit company usually charges to file a permit for you is worth it. Because they know alternative routing that could save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in deposit monies and even more from having a serious wreck. In the case of filing permits in Rhode Island state, have professional take care of it for you. This is a dangerous state to haul oversize (especially height) in.
  • Tennessee: You must have your insurance certificate on file with the Tennessee DOT in order to obtain boat shipping permits. You must have a letter on file that states you nor your insurance company will hold the state liable for any damages that may occur. It must state on your insurance certificate that certificate holders will be notified within 30 days of any cancellation of the policy. Insurance amounts must be no less than $300,000 for each person injured and $1,000,000 per occurrence. Getting your insurance accepted and approved will take 24 to 36 hours. Once this is done you can file for your oversize trucking permit to haul your boat. With this state, we suggest you hire a professional. We charge a $25 filing fee and it is very much worth it with this state as with most, sorry there’s too much that can go wrong unless you have plenty of time and money.
  • Texas: Have a professional handle your Texas boat shipping permit filings. It’s so worth it! Your insurance has to have a minimum of $500,000 combined single limit per accident which does not include the boat which would require additional. If you are required by the federal government to have a US DOT number (see #2 above) then you are required to have a minimum of $750,000$500,000/$10,000 in insurance. If you’re hauling oversize or overweight loads in the great state of Texas you must have a TX MCR number which we can help you get. It will take a professional 3 days realistically (we’ll try our absolute best to get it done faster as we work with them daily) to get you in their system. Once this is done we can file for your oversize trucking permit for your boat shipment. Spend the $25 filing fee with a trucking permit company and save yourself a lot of time, trouble, and money as Texas will eat a novice up. You’ll be on hold longer than it will take them to file everything correctly with a 100% guarantee. Then the next time (within a year or the expiration date listed on your insurance certificate) you need Texas permits you’re already set up with them and can easily file for them yourself.
  • Wisconsin: You will be required to have your insurance on file in Wisconsin in order to obtain boat shipping permits. If your boat is under 12′ wide x 16′ tall and your whole overall length less than 25′ you will be required to have $50,000/$100,000/$25,000 minimum in insurance. If you are over this for any reason then you will be required to have $100,000/$300,000/$100,000 or $600,000 in combined life insurance on file. All US DOT registered carriers (see section #2 above) must have a minimum of $750,000/$500,000/$10,000 in insurance. Getting all of this usually takes a whole day. A good permit agent can get all of this and your oversize trucking permit to haul your boat filed for a $25 filing fee. It is very much worth it as it’s just too much for about 99% of the people we know. Save yourself the time and the money and go with a pro.

NOTE: If the state you are moving your boat and you state is not on this list then you will more than likely be required to have proof of a minimum of $750,000/$500,000/$10,000 in insurance kept in the vehicle you are using to transport your boat in. In any state dealing with the state, permit offices are tough and most of them do the best they can to help you but you have to remember that everyone gets busy and this is a very technical business that has to be very accurate. It’s much easier for a state worker to deal with a seasoned professional that knows the lingo rather than someone with good intentions that are trying to save themselves $25 to move a very expensive boat. Save yourself a huge nightmare of paperwork and being on hold for possibly hours and cover yourself by hiring a professional permit filing company. All of them that we know of give you a 100% guarantee. You don’t have to use us but we are the cheapest we know of. Others range from $30 to $50 per filing. We wish you not only safe passage on the roads and highways but on the water as well.

  • 5.) Determine your overall size class. If you are under 8′ 6″ wide x 13′ 6″ tall x less than 60′ long then you will NOT need an oversize trucking permit to haul your boat. While some states do vary on the overall length (minimum is 60′, with some at 65′ and others at 75′) check your states on our oversize trucking regulations map. If you are over any of these measurements then you will be required to obtain oversize trucking permits in order to ship your boat.
  • 6.) Start looking at the most effective routes that will not only suit your travel needs the best but are the safest most reliable routes that offer the most amount of travel time. Consider that most oversize loads are not allowed to travel at night while others have visibility and wind restrictions due to current weather conditions and that your speed will be slower so calculate your travel times as well. Triple check any heights of possible utility, bridge, or other obstructions. We can help you with routing but it is always best for you to plot and triple check your own route first as you are the one that will be doing the driving, not us.
  • 7.) Using the oversize trucking regulations link in #5 make sure you will not be required to have a pilot car in any of the states/provinces that you will travel in. If you will need pilot cars to contact them here by using our pilot car directory.
  • 8.) Get all of your information in one pile. Make sure you have all of your insurance information, VIN numbers, plate numbers, the titles and registration for your vehicle, trailer, and boat make and model as well as the year of your equipment. Make sure you have exact measurements from the outermost extreme distances of all of your equipment both stand-alone and overall connected together. Make sure you have your origin and destination at least down to the nearest intersection wrote down.
  • 9.) One of the most important things is to check all of your equipment. Make sure all of your lights work. Make sure if you are allowed to travel at night that your amber light, point marker lights (outermost extreme 4 corners), and oversize load signs and day flags are properly, well placed, and in the right locations. Your trailer’s safety chains, wheel bearings, and breaks are all recently serviced and properly working.

and finally…

  • 10.) Imagine that you’ve had a breakdown. Are you prepared? Do you have road safety triangles, safety flares, a safety vest, safety lights, fire extinguishers, 2-way radios, a first aid kit, and all of that good stuff that is up to date and working properly? You are the most important member of your team if you are reading this and it is your responsibility to protect and properly care for others that are with you. Do the right thing and check all of your safety equipment and if something does go wrong, be the one who is prepared to deal with it.


As you’ve probably figured out it is possible for private parties to obtain boat shipping permits in order to self-transport their vessels. However, it’s so hard to do it truly brings a new meaning to the acronym BOAT. No matter how you choose to proceed a stack of paperwork will need to be completed and submitted. One mistake and you get to start over. We should also mention that errors on any documents filed with any state/province in North America will not entitle you to a refund. Every single entity operating has a very clear policy on typos, adjustments, date changes, etc. It’s a one-shot deal.

If you prefer to have your boat shipping permits done for you please give us a call.