2018 Washington D.C. Shipping Regulations.

Trucking weight limitations.
Single axle: 31,000 lbs. per axle.
Tandem axles: 31,000 lbs. per axle.
Triple axles: 31,000 lbs. per axle.
Quad axles: 313,000 lbs. per axle.
Maximum weights are considered on a case by case basis. They will determine if you are eligible (considering proposed routing) at the time you apply for your permit. No single axle will be permitted to exceed 31,000 lbs.
Truck length limitations:
If you propose to move any shipment with a length that is in excess of 56 feet, you may be required to travel during night time hours only. Again, this is considered on a case by case basis. Any load that exceeds 80′ (feet) will be required to have a front (lead) pilot car (escort vehicle).
Truck width limitations:
Maximum width for legal travel is 8′ 6″. Anything in excess of 8’6″ (inches) in width will be decided on a case by case basis (considering proposed routing). Shipments that are in excess of 12′ (feet) in width will be required to have a lead pilot car vehicle.
Truck height limitations:
Truck height limitations are determined by the overhead clearance of any obstructions that may exists (or are proposed; temp, construction, etc) in the routing proposition you propose. Planning a route that gives you a minimum of a 6″ (inch) clearance is suggested. Any shipment that is in excess of 13′ 6″ (feet/inches) will be required to have a pilot car (escort vehicle) equipped with a height pole
Truck overhang limitations:
If overhang is in excess of 10′ (feet) from the rear of the trailer you will be required to have a lead vehicle as well as a chase.
Truck signs and flag requirements:
Shipments that are in excess of 8′ 6″ (feet/inches) are required to have “wideload” signs affixed to the front and rear of the truck and trailer. No flags are “required”. There are no sign size/letter specifications in the Washington D.C. laws but note they should be professionally printed signs.
If you are in a situation where you have excess (extreme) widths and/or heights you will more than likely be required to travel during night time hours.
Pilot car (escort) vehicle requirements (PiloTrac):
No particular type of vehicle is specified in Washington D.C. laws. However, we do suggest a minimum wheel base of 72 inches. Pilot cars (escort vehicles) will be required to have a amber flashing (rotating) light mounted on the very top of the vehicle. We would suggest pilot cars have the minimum requirements by other states such as: slow/stop paddle, professional wide, oversize, long load signs, company name, address and phone on the side of vehicle, flares, safety vest, CB radio and a height pole if the shipment you intend on escorting is in excess of 13′ 11″.
Travel times and restrictions:
Travel is permitted 24 hours a day unless you are in the extreme excess as noted above in height, width and length. Shipments that are wideloads or overheight or over length may be restricted to travel between 10 pm and 5 am. If so you will not be permitted to travel from 7am til 9:30 am and 4 pm til 6:30 pm. During extreme weather conditions travel may be restricted. Weekend travel is allowed as well as weekends. The Washington D.C. permitting office will be closed on the following holidays: New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Goof Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
Washington District of Columbia Department of Traffic
2nd floor, Potomac Bldg.
614 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Office hours: 9 am to 3 pm EDT
Phone: 202-442-4670